I’ve never been one for puzzles…

I've never been one for puzzles... SR.png

They say there are two sides 
to every story, but I think 
it’s more like a Rubik’s cube.

Two sides assumes a clean 
world, of black and white,
and colors kept inside lines.

But this world has your side
now, your side then, 
the side you tell yourself,
and the one you want to be true.

It has the side you show me,
alongside the one you tuck
quietly away when
you think I’m not looking. 

And all these sides twist 
around in my head at two am
and then three and then 
sometime after lunch 

and while I’m sipping tea
as I try to make the colors align
without going crazy.

But at some point I give up,
trade the cube for an innocent
coloring book, 

where I’m free to keep things
clean and simple,
and how they should be,


Spending Time


Heart & Soul